Monday 23 March 2009

Calvinism vs Arminianism 101

Found this a really useful, basic explaination of these two viewpoints that can have such a strong influnece on how we understand our faith and how we read the Bible. It's 8 minutes long, but well worth your time... I also liked how Mark Driscoll (usually a fairly confronational kinda a guy) emphasised that this is not an issue that should cause division, but only promote loving debate and discussion.

Which side of the fence do I sit on? Well my middle name is John, so you could say I dont really have choice!


AlisonW said...

I'm not sure about the 'limited atonement'...

Graham said...

me either! In fact I think I disagree with that entirely, but I would still put myself in 'Calvin's camp'! I often find attempting to label personal faith in this way is an inexact science, but can be useful too if done in the right way....

Anonymous said...

i believe all 5 points of calvinism. thanks for posting this video, enjoying your blog.

Gareth said...

Can I recommend a book to you Graham (and Alison). It's a very well written book, which is clear and interesting. I haven't read a lot of it but am enjoying it so far. It's called Chosen by God by RC Sproul. Here is a link to it on Amazon:

Graham said...

i'll look it up ASAP and have a read