Tuesday 14 April 2009

Arm Update #7

I have just got back from my first visit to Fracture Clinic in Morriston since having the Zoledronate infusions at the Nuffield, and it was a good trip.

Turns out the infusion is doing its job, and the Fibrous Dysplasia cyst is getting smaller as the Osteoblasts do their job and re-establish the bone tissues. The fracture itself is also healing well, but they said I would be in the cast for around another month.

The big shock was the state of my arm under the plaster! It was so withered and absolutely grim! The unfortunate job of giving it a clean and rub down fell to a sister who commented it was like I was moulting! I've got to say, despite that it felt great!

On a postive note my arm is now strong enough for my wrist to be exposed and used again. I am currently shaking imaginary hands in an attempt to strengthen the muscles and get them working well again. However properly exfoilating my hand and wrist when I got home was a gross job, that I'm not looking forward to repeating when the cast finally comes off!

My visit was also made more entertaining by an encounter with Ospreys hooker Marc Breeze who was sat next to me in the plaster room. He was sat in his training top and shorts, so I passed a diverting couple of minutes whilst I tried to figure out who he was- although to no avail- the Ospreys website provided the answer when I got back!

So the countdown to 12th May begins when hopefully my cast will be coming off and physio will begin!

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